A lively cat, the Balinese is also loving and will sit quietly with their parent, purring and being petted.

The Balinese will make anything tall their own special perch; the slender figure conceals a powerful jumper.
Weight range:
Male: large: >5 kg.
Female: medium: 3-5 kg.
Eye colour:
Life Expectancy: 8-13 yrs.
Social/Attention Needs: Moderate
Tendency to Shed: Moderate
Length: Long
Characteristics: Silky, Straight
Colours: Frost, Blue, Chocolate, Seal, Cream, Red, Lilac, Fawn
Pattern: Points
Less Allergenic: No
Overall Grooming Needs: High
Club recognition:
Cat Association Recognition:
Prevalence: Rare
The graceful Balinese is a medium-sized cat with a long, tubular body. A slender cat with fine bones but does not appear emaciated.
The head is a long triangle and the ears are set so they appear to continue the triangle. The deep blue, slanted eyes and the darker colour on the extremities, tail, ears and face of the breed give the Balinese their own special look.
The hair on the Balinese is not really long but is medium in length. You can see the length best by looking at the fur on the tail. The coat is soft and silky and has no undercoat.
The Balinese is an active, vocal cat as befits a Siamese descendent. Cat trees and high perches are necessary equipment when you live with a Balinese. If these are not provided, the Balinese will make anything tall their own special perch; the slender figure conceals a powerful jumper. You may find them leaping effortlessly to the top of your refrigerator, bookcases and even the tops of doors.
Living With:
The Balinese is slender and fine boned. Because of this build, care must be taken that they do not become obese. If given enough exercise and space, the Balinese is generally able to avoid getting too heavy.
The Balinese is a lively but loving cat. They will sit quietly with you, purring and being petted. They are loving companions.
The Siamese breed has always been popular. In the early 1950s, some Siamese breeders in the United States discovered that they were seeing kittens puffier than a Siamese should be. They knew that no other breed was inserted into their breeding programme and that their programme was sound, but they still saw these kittens with fur that was too long to meet the Siamese standard. Although the beauty of these cats was recognised, these kittens were placed as pets rather than breeding animals.
However, two Siamese breeders, Helen Smith in New York and Marion Dorsey in California, fell in love with the look of the longer-haired Siamese and felt that they should continue to be bred. When these breeders saw that litters of longhairs were produced by breeding these longhair cats to each other, they determined to promote these cats as a separate breed. They began by placing these kittens with other breeders who had similar interests in mind.
Originally, the thought was to name this breed the "Longhair Siamese" but Siamese breeders objected. Since the naturally graceful motion of this breed made people think of the movements of the Balinese Temple Dancers, the name for the breed became Balinese.