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Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs
Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs
If you have kids heading back to school, be sure to pause somewhere in between organising school pickups and drop-offs and stocking up on school supplies to consider how this new schedule will affect your pets. After an entire summer of basking in your kids' presence and enjoying extended family time, suddenly leaving your dog home alone is bound to upset them, and they’re not the only one. Although most cats are quite happy to chill on their own, some do notice the sudden void and might be a bit sad too. Read on for tips on helping your pets cope with the new school year.
Separation Anxiety
Dogs are particularly at risk for developing separation anxiety during the back-to-school season. This is a disorder which can be characterised by any or all of the following signs:
Distress when you or another family member show signs of leaving.
Digging and scratching in an attempt to escape.
Excessive howling and whining.
Destructive chewing.
A lapse in toilet training.
Changes in mood.
Major change to the family routine is a potential trigger for this disorder, as is suddenly leaving your dog home alone after they’ve got used to constant human companionship.
While healthy, well-adjusted cats are less prone to separation anxiety under these circumstances, some cats can be vulnerable to the disorder. At-risk cats include those with a history of abandonment, trauma, abuse, or multiple owners. Cats or kittens that have an especially strong bond with your child may also be at risk once their favourite person disappears for hours at a time. In cats, separation anxiety often looks like trembling, withdrawing, hiding and trying to escape, loss of appetite, change in mood, and an upset stomach, possibly resulting in diarrhoea.
Prevention is always better than cure
According to the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC), you can help your pets avoid separation anxiety in general by getting them used to short absences. The idea is to get your pet comfortable with the idea of you leaving, and gradually lengthening these absences.
Pets, especially dogs, tend to take their emotional cues from their pet parents, so it's important to stay calm and not to make a big deal about leaving, saying goodbye or coming home. It’s best for your dog to have as much freedom as possible when you are out, but if you're concerned about destructive behaviour or house soiling, try to find a way to give them space in a safe place where there is nothing valuable for them to destroy.
All animals need to be left sometimes, so it’s a good idea to get them used to that from the word go. In periods like the summer holidays, where the pets may have much more interaction with the family, try to keep their routine as similar as possible to the days that you’re absent. Make sure they are left alone sometimes, and that these absences definitely start to happen with increasing frequency and length as the return to school looms.
Remember that pets need downtime, too. Your pets should always have a safe and secluded place where they can go to be alone and will not be disturbed by you, your children, or their friends.
Helping pets cope
You can also use toys and treats to distract your pet from your absence. You can give your dog a puzzle feeder with their favourite dog treats to keep them occupied during the first half-hour or so of your absence. Cats can also benefit from toys to distract and entertain them while the family is gone. Hiding pieces of dry cat food around the house is an excellent way to keep them busy and distracted.
Don’t make a big deal about coming home. You shouldn’t ignore your dog because this will frustrate them, but just a nice, calm hello and some strokes will suffice. Take them in the garden or call them to sit with you in another room in a calm manner. The calmer you are and the more normally you behave, the more your dog will pick up on your relaxed state. It's also really important to provide them with plenty of regular exercise, which will also help them stay calm and relaxed during the day.
If you try these tips and your pet still shows signs of anxiety or depression once the new schedule starts, talk to your veterinarian. The sooner you seek good behavioural advice, the better for you and your pet. It’s important you see a properly qualified behaviourist, and your vet will be able to point you in the right direction if they can’t deal with the problem directly. Hopefully, by being mindful of your pet's emotional state while preparing for the school year, the entire family will transition smoothly into the new schedule, your four-legged family members included.
Contributor Bio

Jean Marie Bauhaus
Jean Marie Bauhaus is a pet parent, pet blogger and novelist from Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she usually writes under the supervision of a lapful of furbabies.
Reviewed by Dr. Hein Meyer, DVM, PhD, Dipl-ECVIM-CA and Dr. Emma Milne BVSc FRCVS