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As your dog ages, you will probably expect them to have decreased energy and diminished ability to run and jump. But finding out that your dog can also have mental ‘senior moments’ comes as a surprise for many pet parents. Dog dementia, also known as cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS), has become an increasingly common problem as advances in pet healthcare have resulted in longer lifespans for pets.
A dog's ageing brain
Dog dementia, or CDS, can show similar changes in the brain as those seen in cases of human dementia. Dementia in humans is a general term for all cognitive disabilities, the most well-known being Alzheimer’s disease. Although Alzheimer's is a widely recognised form of human dementia, CDS can often be overlooked during senior veterinary visits. Unfortunately, many people attribute their dog's behaviour changes to the normal ageing process and fail to mention newly developing problems to their veterinarian. The changes associated with dog dementia can be subtle, and the gradual variations in a dog's behaviour can be challenging to notice for even the most attentive caregiver.
A familiarity with the signs of dog dementia will help you recognise any problems in the early stages, so initiate a conversation with your vet and be proactive in your dog's care. It is important for pet parents to become familiar with the various pet ageing signs.
Recognising the signs of dementia in dogs
As a dog ages, it’s important to make note of any shifts in behaviour. Your dog may naturally mature emotionally with age, and their reaction to certain stimuli or personal preferences may change, but certain behavioural changes can be linked to dementia. To look out for cognitive dysfunction syndrome, remember to think DISH:
- Paces and can’t settle.
- Wanders aimlessly.
- Becomes stuck on the wrong side of the door or behind furniture.
- Seems lost in the yard or forgets the purpose of going outside.
- Asks to go out but then stares at the door as if they don’t know why the door is open.
- Fails to recognise familiar people or dogs.
- Reduced responsiveness to name or verbal commands (This can often be confused with deafness).
Interaction with family members:
- Seeks less attention (petting, belly rubs, play).
- Less enthusiastic to greet people.
- No longer greets family upon arriving home.
Sleep and activity:
- Sleeps more hours per day, especially during the daytime.
- Sleeps less throughout the night.
- Reduced daily activity.
- Lack of interest in their surroundings.
- Restlessness, pacing or circling at sunset (sundowning).
- Vocalisation at night (barking or howling).
House training:
- Urinates or defecates indoors.
- Urinates or defecates indoors soon after having been outside.
- Failure to indicate the need to go outside.
- Accidents occur in front of their pet parents.
Other considerations
Not every sign of DISH indicates dog dementia. Other medical conditions prevalent in senior dogs can manifest in a similar way. Older dogs often have impaired vision and hearing, for example, which can lead to confusion and diminished interaction with the family. Brain tumours may mimic dementia in dogs. Senior dog issues, such as diabetes mellitus, Cushing's disease, kidney disease and incontinence, can all lead to urination in the house. Osteoarthritis is very common in older dogs and will reduce their willingness to play and may contribute to accidents in the house. A thorough physical exam, blood pressure measurement, urinalysis, blood tests, and a thorough medical history will help your vet rule out health problems with similar symptoms to CDS.
No matter how they change, no decline in your dog's abilities should impair your human-animal bond. Being aware of ageing problems will enable everyone to make adjustments to include your dog in activities and make them feel loved. If your vet has ruled out other problems and determined that their behavioural changes are consistent with cognitive dysfunction syndrome, there are steps you can take to make your dog's (and your) life easier.
Sundowning safety for dogs
Dogs and people with dementia often suffer from disturbances in their sleep-wake cycles, often sleeping more during the day and remaining awake, disoriented, and agitated throughout the night. Sundowning is a pattern of these behaviours manifesting in the late afternoon, meaning they may bark for no reason, pace restlessly, wander off entirely, or show any number of other symptomatic behaviours late in the day. Human patients with cognitive impairment become easily confused and are prone to becoming lost, while a dog with dementia may escape the garden or leave through any open doors. These circumstances account for why people and pets with dementia must not be left unattended, especially in unfamiliar places. Dog caregivers must take extra precautions to ensure that their pet always has proper identification and is not able to accidentally escape from the home or property.
Dealing with toileting accidents
Loss of house-training habits can be stressful for both a dog and the human members of the household. You can move their toys and bed and set up gates to limit them to non-carpeted areas of the home that are easier to clean and leave paper or toilet-training pads on the floor to catch urine. Nappies and belly bands can also work well to mitigate accidents, as long as the dog is comfortable wearing them and you have time to change them frequently.
Taking a dog outside more often will also help to minimise accidents. Whatever you do, try not to scold them for making a mess inside the house. The ageing process can be as confusing and scary for your dog as it is for you. It may require creativity, teamwork, and schedule flexibility, but your family can work together to overcome the challenge of an older dog who is no longer toilet-trained.
CDS Therapy
In addition to cleaning up accidents in the house, disrupted sleep is another frustrating and difficult adjustment with a dog suffering from dementia. Dogs not only pace during the night, but can often howl or bark in confusion. Talk to your vet about medications and strategies that can help your dog feel less agitated and sleep better.
Other strategies for managing cognitive dysfunction syndrome include environmental enrichment and nutritional support. Encourage your dog to play interactive games like puzzle toys or food-dispensing balls. Exercise helps ward off sleep during the day and also provides mental stimulation. Well-balanced meals with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants may help protect brain cells against the damaging effects of ageing. Talk to your vet about potential therapeutic dog foods that can help support their cognitive function.
Along with prescription dog foods, your vet may recommend one of several medications to help minimise the signs of dog dementia. You can discuss the use and potential side effects of these drugs to see if they are right for your dog.
Cognitive Disorder Syndrome is a complex disease with no single solution. But with patience, compassion and care, you can learn how to overcome the hurdles of dog dementia and provide your beloved companion with a good quality of life throughout their senior years.
Contributor Bio

Mindy Cohan, VMD
Mindy Cohan is a veterinarian in the Philadelphia area and a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. She has a rescue dog named Jem. Mindy enjoys hiking with Jem while listening to podcasts about the American Civil War and Abraham Lincoln.