Ear Mites in Cats & Kittens: Signs, Symptoms & Treatments

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Picking up parasites is a fact of life for humans and animals alike. One such parasite that can cause a problem in cats is the ear mite, otherwise known as otodectes cynotis. In this article, we’ll look at how you can spot the signs of a possible mite infestation and how you can treat ear mites in cats.

What are ear mites?

Ear mites live on the skin’s surface, especially on the skin lining the ear canal. They are contagious and are usually transferred from cat to cat by direct contact. These little hitchhikers are not fussy about which ear canal becomes their home, so they can also spread from dogs to cats and vice versa. Ear mites and eggs can persist in the environment for several months and can therefore return to re-infest your cat.

Kitten walking

Signs of ear mites in cats

Ear mites account for most ear problems in cats. Although all cats in a household may be affected, the most serious problems tend to occur in kittens because of their immature immune systems.

Ear mite signs to watch out for include:

  • A build-up of reddish-black wax and debris in the ear canal(s).
  • Rubbing and scratching the affected ear(s). You may notice that your cat suddenly sits and starts urgently scratching. This is because the mites moving around are extremely irritating.
  • Ear twitching and head shaking.
  • Occasionally, ear mites infest other parts of a cat’s body. Hair loss in a particular area and reddened, scratched skin suggest such an infestation.

Diagnosis by your veterinarian

Your veterinarian will diagnose ear mites by examining your cat’s ear canals with a special magnifying instrument called an otoscope. Ear mites or eggs may be seen during the examination, or may be found by examining your cat’s earwax under a microscope.

Treatment and Home Care

Ear issues should be treated effectively and promptly because if secondary infection takes hold, the eardrum and middle ear can be damaged. Ear problems can be very painful too, so always seek help as soon as you notice signs. In some cases, treatment may need to be continued for several weeks.

In most cases, your veterinarian will need to clean your cat's ears before treatment can be effective. Cleaning will remove the wax and debris and some of the mites and eggs. Once the ears are clean, the medicated drops can penetrate to do their job much more effectively. Because ear mites will readily infest other pets, all cats and dogs in the home should be treated.

Home care usually includes administering medicated drops for a period of days. Your vet may want you to repeat the treatment some time later too, to kill any mites that may have hatched after the first treatment. Whatever treatment your vet decides on, be sure to follow their instructions closely. The household itself may need to be treated as well, with flea-control foggers or sprays to lessen the chances of re-infestation.


If your cat has ear mites, your veterinarian may suggest a change in their food. For kittens, nutrition is especially important for optimal growth and proper development of the immune system. Having a strong, healthy immune system can help keep mites and other parasites at bay. Unless recommended otherwise by your veterinarian, gradually switch your cat to a new cat food over a seven-day period. This will help them gradually get used to the new food and help avoid food rejection or an upset stomach.

Learn how to transition your cat gradually to a new cat food.

Reviewed by Dr. Hein Meyer, DVM, PhD, Dipl-ECVIM-CA and Dr. Emma Milne BVSc FRCVS